Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Hurry up and Wait!

Well, we made it to and through several of our "if I can just make it to..." goals such as "Going Dark" dinner, New Moon premiere, work party, 37 weeks and now Dec 01. My last goal is to make it to this Thursday to be 38 weeks. Then she can do whatever she pleases (of course that is what she is doing now).

Here is a pic of us at 37 weeks. Can you tell that I am starting to get tired...and too lazy to try to make myself look decent for a pic?

Charles and I hope that you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We very much enjoyed ours spending it with mom and dad. Good eats - as usual.

Here's to a wonderful holiday season for all of you. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

35 Weeks!!

We made it to 35 weeks - woohooo!

As I mentioned on facebook this morning, all is going VERY well, better than I could expect. I will say my prayers that the pregnancy will continue this way, and the labor, and the rearing :). I can still wear my rings, no stretch marks, and some ab definition remains. However, I do have an issues with my thighs but we will blow right on by that. I have a killer knot in my back. That has been the worse part.

Charles has been terrific with back and foot rubs. Mom and dad have been rock stars helping me get things ready. And NCIS is playing a very important role...decompression and relaxation before going to sleep way earlier than a normal person sleeps.

I have been told I am slacking on the posts, so I will try to do an update every week until she arrives. I would like to think that I will do updates after she arrives, but odds are slim until I hit my groove.

Hope you guys are loving this cool weather!!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Its almost November!

Time has flown. Charles and I are super excited...that Georgia plays Florida this weekend. Just kidding. We are super excited about the baby's arrival being that much closer. We are excited about GA/FL too though. Its hard to believe that we are at 33 weeks and how big I have gotten.

Charles and I were recently in Tennessee where my mom and little sister hosted a fantastic baby shower for us. Several of our wonderful friends and family came over and gave us so many wonderful things we are sure to put to very good use. We are truly grateful for all of you...and of course the gobs of patience you are probably going to have to muster putting up with us as we learn the ropes. The gifts were fantastic and we cannot thank you enough. Here is a pic of the great diaper cake Emily (little sister) made.

Thanks for keeping up with our blog and stay tuned...there's no telling when she will make an appearance!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Shame on me!

Well, I could have sworn I last updated everyone on our progress like a week or two ago, but it has been over a month. Bad me. Bad. Anyway, we are doing great. She is kicking more but still being very good to me. She did frustrate us over this past weekend when we went for our 3D ultrasound because she was well tucked in the fetal position. Now, in her defense, we were to go in at 3pm but did not until 5 so all the chocolate I had eaten to try to get her hyper did not matter. At least I got to eat chocolate.

Here we are at 29 weeks. I am having a hard time getting a decent sized image to upload so it is what it is. Tomorrow I will be 31 weeks. Time is flying. I had better get to work finishing up the house. Charles and I put together the crib a few weeks ago. And we did it without Bud. Ok, well he came in a confirmed a question or two, but I call that a success :)

Hope all is well and you are enjoying the fall weather!

Friday, September 11, 2009


First, our thoughts and prayers are with all the families who lost loved ones on Sept 11th, as well as all of those who have sacrificed since then to make sure we all sleep safe at night and play & work safe during the day. We are truly blessed to live in such a great country and I hope we can all get past our differences to see that, respect that, and protect that.

Many of you pointed out that I have been a slacker not registering before now. Slack no more, Charles and I registered at Target and a local baby store, New Baby Products (http://www.newbabyproducts.net/wishlist_lookup.php). It was overwhelming but fun.

And here I am at 26 weeks. No denying that bump now! Baby seems to be doing well. Kicking more in the mornings now than in the evenings. She has been good to me so I am not going to complain...come the 9th or 10th month, or delivery, I might sing a different tune.

Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the cooler weather!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

24 Weeks!

As many of you have pointed out, I have been delinquent in getting new posts up. I apologize. Things have been hectic here to say the least and I am glad to report nothing baby related. I am fighting off the start of a cold right now. I hate colds. And I am sad or happy (not sure which) to report that today was the first day I wore maternity pants. I am getting tired of blue jeans held open by a pony tail holder.

Enough about me. The little girl is doing well. We saw the doctor on Tuesday and she had a good heartbeat. I saw a doctor other than Dr. Garcia. Now I love Dr. Garcia - she is wonderful and a good match for my personality - but this other doctor seemed pretty good too. I actually don't think I am dreading delivery...yet.

Here is the latest tummy pic. It is actually getting bigger - and the scale proves it. But the doctors tell me because I have such a long torso, I won't look as big as others for a while. In this shot it looks like any sort of butt stuff I had has moved to my tummy.

Hope everyone had a great summer!

Charles and Melissa

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Half Way!!!

We made it to 20 weeks as of today. Tomorrow marks the start of our 6 month. We found out on Monday that we are having a girl! She was quite active and gave us the #1 sign! Already a Georgia fan!!!

My plan is to avoid pink, with maybe a drop here and there. We will see how well I do. Charles will have to take her down the Barbie aisle. I hope to get up a picture of her up soon, but in the mean time, here I am at 20 weeks.

Thank you to everyone for your well wishes and checking out the blog!